It happens 造句((5) it seems/happens+that 从句 造句)


It happens 造句((5) it seems/happens+that 从句 造句)


用1、sth. happen(s) to sb.2、It that 3、sb.happens to be doing/to do三种句型各造些句子<特别是第三个to be doing那个>谢谢帮助
1 A car accident happened to her this morning.
2 It happened that Brian and Peter were at home that day.
3 What will h搜趣网appen to the millions of guilty secrets in their files?

(5) it seems&#YylEItNae47//;happens+that 从句 造句

t seem that there is no need to pay for this.
It seem that we can stop going to school.YylEItNae
It seem that many people now already have computers
It seem that he is very rich
It seem that I am the top of the class.

用it happens that造句 复杂一点的
