on idea造句(idea单词如何造句)


on idea造句(idea单词如何造句)


Good idea! 好主意!
I have no idea! 我没有任何办法(主意)。
I have no idea of the job. 我对搜趣网自己对工作没有任何了解~
She always has some strange ideas.她总是会有些奇奇怪怪的想法。


用这三个词造出一句话,必须先弄清它们的汉语意思和用法: no idea(不知道),celebrate(庆祝)及物动词,后接名词作宾语。。造好的句子如下:We have no idea how people celebrate new year in their country..我们不知道人们如何在他们的国家庆祝新年。


she shared a good idea with me on our group trip to the place where i have never been

用have no idea造句子 别太难 简单即可

You have no idea how much this means to me.


idea i.de.a[aI`diə, aI`dIə;
aidiə]《源自希腊文“形态、样子”的意思》名词1 (C)搜趣网 (心中描绘的) 思想a. 主意,构想,念头[of, for]a man of ~s主意 [点子] 多的人,足智多谋的人That's an [a good] ~.那是个好主意An ~ struck me.我突然想到一个主意He is full of (original) ~s.他富于创新见解Have you got the ~?.你了解这个见解了吗?(你懂了吗? )She had to give up the ~ of visiting the
place.她不得不放弃访问该地的念头I have an ~ for it [doing it].关于 (做) 那件事,我有个主意Whose bright ~ was that?. (口语.反语)那是谁出的馊主意?【同义字】thought 诉诸理性的思想notion 与 idea 相似,但有意图在内b. 想法,观念,思想the ~s of the young小孩子的想法Eastern ~s.东方思想force one's ~s on others把自己的想法强加于他人c. <…的>想法,意见,见解I believe in t//www.souquanme.comhe ~ that time is money.我认为“时间就是金钱”的想法是对的d. 想到[of]I feel shocked at the bare ~ of his death
[meeting him].一想到他死亡 [要和他见面] 这件事,我就感到震惊2a. [通常用于否定句] [对于…的] 了解,认识[of]Youwww.souquanme.com don't have the slightest [faintest, least] ~
(of) how much she has missed you.你一点都不知道她多么想念你He had no [little] ~ what these words
meant.他根本 [几乎] 不知道这些话的含义I have no ~ how to get there.我完全不知道如何去那里b. [关于…的] 知识,推测,概念[of, about]The book will give you some [a very good] ~ of
life in London.读这本书你就会知道一些 [很清楚] 有关伦敦的生活I think you will get some ~ of it.我想你对它会有所了解(我想你大概会了解)I haven't an ~ [the least ~, the vaguest ~, the
faintest ~, the remotest ~,. (英口语)the foggiest ~] about it.那件事我一点都不知道3 (C)a. (漠然) 感觉,预感,直觉I had no ~ that you were coming.我没有想到你会来I have an ~ that he is still living
somewhere.我觉得他还活在某个地方I had an ~ we'd win.我觉得我们会赢b. 空想,幻想,想像get ~s into one's head抱有 (难以实现的) 妄想put ~s into a person's head = give a person
~s把 (难以实现的) 种种想法灌输到某人脑子里,使某人心生妄想c. 空想,幻想,妄想have the ~ that = get the ~ into one's head
that? 存 [抱] 有…的妄想4 [one's ~; 通常用于否定句] 认为的…理想,典型[of]That is not my ~ of happiness.那不是我所认为的幸福5‘哲’观念,理念6(C)‘心理’表象,观念form an idea of ?(1) 在心中描绘…(2) 解释 [了解] …get the idea that ?(往往错误地) 相信…The idea (of it) ! = What an idea!(口语) (竟有那样想法) 真过份!岂有此理!WhXqbjwBat's the (big) idea?(口语)是什么了不起的主意啊? 那是什么意思 [怎么回事] ?
