用crowd造句(in the crowd造句含中文)


用crowd造句(in the crowd造句含中文)

crowd in 造句

The continuous visit crowd in our booth. 我们展台前络绎不绝的参观人群。 如果我的答案对您有帮助,请点击下面的“采纳答案”按钮,送咱一朵小红花鼓励下吧!祝您生活愉快!谢谢! 如有不懂,可继续追问!

sth crowd in on sb.www.souquanme.com造句

crowd in on
英 [kraud in ɔn]
美 [kraʊd ɪn n]
包围(某人); (往事)涌现于(某人)的脑海
1. 包围(某人)
Don't crowd in on me, I will see your books one at a time.
不要都围着我, 你们的书我只能一次看一本。
2. (往事)涌现于(某人)的脑海
Happy memories crowded in on me as I looked at the photographs.
当我看到这些照片的时候, 幸福的往事涌上我的心头。

crowd in造搜趣网句涌上心头

crowd in造句涌上心头
crowd in
PHRASAL VERB (问题或想法)大量涌现,涌入脑海
If problems or thoughts crowd in on you, a lot of them happen to you or affect you at the same time, so that they occupy all your attention and make you feel unable to escape.
Everything is crowding in on me...
She tried to sleep, but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind.

in the crowd造句含中文

He disappeared in the crowd

in the crowd

crowd 英[kraʊd] 美[kraʊd]
n. 人群; 搜趣网 群众; 一群;
vi. 拥挤,聚集;
vt. 挤满; 将…塞进; 催逼; www.souquanme.com www.souquanme.com
[例句]The crowd around the bench began to melt away.
[其他] 第三人称单数:crowds复数:crowds现在分词:crowding过去式:crowded过去分词:crowded
