


英语 过去式造句、

1.froze 2.gave 3.hung 4.k搜趣网ept 5.knew 6.laid 7.lay 8.mean 9.spoke 10.spelled11.stood 都是过去式哦。*I got a gift ()my mother yesterday。()中是用for 还是from?为什么呢?
造句:It froze hard last night.www.souquanme.com 昨夜有严重冰冻。He gave his life to art. 他将一生献给了艺术。 He hung his coat on the hook. 他把衣服挂在钩子上。 I kept it all the time to remind me o搜趣网f you. 我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆。I knew she was against us. 我知道她反对我们。 The storm laid the village in ruins. 暴风雨使这个村子成了一片废墟。The whole city lay in ruins after the earthquake. 地震之后整个城市成了一片废墟。I realized whwww.souquanme.comat he meant. 我明白他的意思了。 It was t搜趣网he first time that I spoke in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。These changes spelled ruin for the company. 这些变化意味着该公司破产。A desk stood against the window. 靠窗放着一张桌子。
单词辨析:I got a gift from my mother yesterday. get是得到的意思,那应该是从...得到,因此用from。 写了比较久,求LZ采纳~~ ^ ^




I went shopping just now.
She was late for school yesterday.
I had a meeting last week.


I usually get up at six o'clock.
He often has lunch at school.
Classes begin at eight o'clock.


我们老师要全市公开课,让用过去式造个句子,还非要有新意的,搞笑点的,小女才疏学浅,实在想不出了。模式:(举个例子)I was fat then, but iam thin now!就是要有对比的。最好别全是人,也可以有地方的变化,或者物品。(齐齐哈尔市Qiqihar)
I was born in Qiqihar,and I will be the honor of Qiqihar !意思是,我生在齐齐哈尔市,今后齐齐哈尔市将以我为荣。这一句是用过去式和将来时进行比较,不知道你们学了将来时态没有。was born,是出生于哪一年的意思,固定用过去式(过去时态);honor,荣耀,荣誉。be the honor of ……,成为……的荣耀。如果没有学将来时,也可以用过去式和现在时态比较,如下:I was born in Qiqihar,and now I am the honor of Qiqihar !

英语用过去式造句 六年级造3句?

I got up at seven yesterday morning.
I had breakfast at 7:30 yesterday morning.
I was very happy last weekend.
He went to school on foot last week.
He was very tired.
They played basketball two years ago.
