



老师要我们做有关保护熊猫的手抄报 请各位大哥大姐 帮忙找点素材 注意是英语的!如果有用的话必有重谢
In 2004, the third giant panda survey, sha搜趣网anxi NingShan county territory live 17 adult pandas. NingShan county forestry bureau in the panda investigation outstanding achievements, won national advanced collective title, giant panda survey by the state forestry administration recognition.
In 2001, NingShan pandas field investigation ended, research experts reported: "NingShan county within the jurisdiction of at least two giant pandas live population". Ankang 294 million people jump for joy. Ankang leaders of government immediately led the city forestry bureau, city of wild animals and plants, the person in charge of the data to the state forestry administration wildlife protection division report established giant panda nature reserve assumption. Subsequently, ankang government in April 2001 in theentire province approved the establishment of the "ankang NingShan giant panda nature reserve," and delimit giant panda nature reserve area 15882 hectares. Reserve establ//www.souquanme.comishment for 3 years, do a lot of successful work, quicken the construction pace of nature reserve.
Strengthen the protection for giant pandas used let resources
NingShan county is located in the middle of qinling foothill, ShiRunXing north subtropical climate, it is our country civil climate of transitional zone, the Yangtze river and Yellow River stream watershed, forest coverage rate of 86%. Reserve has seed plants 1178 species, including national key protection of wild plant have yew, 27 kinds of qinling fir etc, Reserve have 6287 hectares, bamboo for giant panda provides a rich food. Protection area is home to terrestrial wildlife 273 kind, the national key protection has a panda, golden monkeys, Lin, musk, evening. gorals (33 kinds, swan, etc NingShan has become a giant pandas living paradise.
In order to increase reserve management dynamics, NingShan county in personnel tense situation, from forestry system established chosen detaches itself lubricious crown, sure, four mow of three giant panda protection stand, equipped with nine management personnel, and employ radiolarian.it ranger 30, specialize in giant panda protection management work. Funded by the world wildlife fund, nefu wildlife resources institute responsible cultivate 7 have college degree of wildlife management personnel have graduated, including three have been added to the panda reserve work, strengthening the protection and management of the reserves.
The publicity for giant panda create beautiful homeland
For giant panda create safe, peaceful home ankang government through broadcast, television, newspapers and other media and publicity of the importance of protecting panda, they also used XuanChuanChe, the annual "AiDiaoZhou" and "wildlife commerce publicity month" activities, widely conducting wildlife protection laws and regulations of the propaganda education; Hold "giant panda protection to protect wild animals" photo exhibitions, Printing wildlife dynamic publicity slogans, Posting to protect wild animals, making the announcement on strengthening giant panda nature reserve management announcement "permanent propaganda iron brand 150 pieces. In nature reserves is marked position, erect 50 meters of large and billboard signs. Through advocacy, make broad cadres and masses love pandas, love nature upsurge of unprecedented upsurge.
In order to ensure the giant panda nature reserve wildlife resources security, improve the giant panda habitat, NingShan county people's government in 2002 September 10, established the NingShan county wildlife conservation work leading group, "and issued the" about developing protect wildlife special control implementation plan ", by forestry, public security, industry and commerce and other departments to carry out four times, total mass of wild animals special control, investigate unlicensed illegal business wildlife 7 door, destroying illegally selling hunting devices, confiscate the iron safe havens 3 clip about 300, confiscate wildlife products 40 kilog搜趣网rams, administrative punishment seven people, rectifications farms and manage door and door, banning farms 6, banning manage door 5, regulating the wildlife market management, eliminate the giant panda protection work hidden trouble.
In order to strengthen the giant panda food resources protection, ning gorge county in May 2001 14 issued the "prohibiting in the panda inflection cutting in miscellaneous bamboo" inform, stop overcutting and cutting bamboo digging bamboo shoots behavior, to protect the giant panda habitat and food sources, and actively coordinate surrounding the province-owned east ningxia, ning west forestry bureau, strengthen the state-owned forest of giant panda protection management work.
Meanwhile, NingShan giant panda reserves, the time rescue injuries wild animals as a primary task. Since its establishment, total since reserve save state a secondary protect wildlife panda, golden monkeys, musk, black bears evening. Lin, including 10 only. In 2001, June 11, NingShan county people's government issued the giant panda entity to find ChenDongXue comrade give commend reward briefing ". Report isvYQcCwvKMsued later, caused a tremendous echoes, also improve the cadres and the general care of rare wild animals for the protection of giant pandas consciousness, and plays a vital role.



1、A black and white hair, a pair of black eyes, and slow limbs, make up a cute panda.


2、Pandas bed look very cute. He was sleeping in his belly, sometimes gently patted his belly; sometimes two legs to step on, rolled over. His every act and every move us to add a lot of fun.


3、Panda love in a flat on the ground to walk leisurely, happy to play. He is happy in the ground loop, really like a big ball in the rolling.


4、Panda is under the first-grade State protection.


5、Pandas were previously zoophagous animals ,but now they have changed with the adapt to environment.



英文:Compared with the past, the giant panda habitat has been reduced by 4 / 5, is the only remaining more than 1 square kilometer was also distributed in more than 30 county, which is facing severe habitat fragmentation and fragmentation. This is less than 1,000 wild giant pandas being cut into 20 small isolated populations. This situation will reduce the genetic diversity of giant pandas, leading to adapt to the giant panda breeding, disease resistance, such as the declining ability to more easily into its critically endangered situation.Although the authorities greatly strengthened the promotion and protection of giant pandas, there is still a small number of people take the risk, poaching, smuggling and illegal activities of giant pandas. This giant panda reproduction of the population pose a deadly threat to the protection of giant pandas is still a long way to go. And I hope that we work together to protect giant pandas!中文翻译: 跟过去相比,大熊猫的栖息地已经减少了4/5,现仅存的1万余平方公里还分布在30多个县境内,其栖息地面临严重的片断化和破碎化。这不足1000只的野生大熊猫被分割成20个孤立的小种群。这种状况会减少大熊猫的遗传多样性,导致大熊猫适应、繁殖、抵抗疾病等能力的日益下降,更容易使其陷于极度濒危境地。尽管有关部门大大加强了对大熊猫的宣传和保护,还是有少数人铤而走险,进行偷猎、走私大熊猫的非法活动。这对大熊猫的种群繁衍构成致命威胁,保护大熊猫工作仍然任重道远。


