



I get up at six forty-five in the morning, wash my face and brush my teeth, seven time go out, go home at twelve fifteen, twelve thirty to eat, watch TV, go to school, two, two twenty-two, five ten, five forty, back home, begin to do my homework at six thirty, well, to seven points on the side to watch TV while eating, after eating eight at seven thirty, wash my face and brush my teeth, to go to bed at nine.

求英语作文 动作的描写

The Detective enter the house搜趣网. That was the place of the murder. The detective examine the scene carefully. His sharp eyes did not let go of any clues. He lifted the carpet and took out a bloodied glove from underneath and puWeLgViPt it into a tran//www.souquanme.comsparent plastic bag. "Here goes the escape route." He thought as he looked at the 搜趣网faint footprint in the dusty surface. "Ha! I know who can be the possible murderer!"He thought after sometime thinking as he turn towards the police officer.


人物动作描写片段摘抄 1、我向前冲了几步,有力地一跳,那矫健倒立身影空中迅速旋转着,又迅速落入了水中。 2、分好了队,我自然是两支队伍中最高的人,而且,我在投篮命中方面也是一个响当当的人物,和我一队的“同胞们”,自然都欢天喜地喜不自胜。 3、我把鱼骨头一根一根地用牙齿咬,用手拨,总算啃掉了半个鱼头,一点鱼肉都没吃到。 4、我把游泳圈一甩,“扑通”一声跳进了奔腾湘江,像小泥鳅似的游了起来。 5、我把拖把在水池里涮了又涮,再拧干,然WeLgViP后弯下腰,前腿弓起,后退绷着,“哼哧哼哧”拖起地来。
