









get out 和come out的区别详细并附上例句
楼主啊,他俩的具体区别我还真不太清楚感觉上get out好像更强调状态 ,而come out 强调动作,其他的就不知道了。只能帮你把它们全部的意思都列出来了。
get out
1. (使)出来,(使)出去:例句: You work too hard!You should get out a bit more!你工作辛苦了!你应该多出去活动活动! 2. 取出(钉子等),除掉:例句: I can't get this nail out, it is too tight.我取不出钉子,它太紧了。 3. 清洗,除去(污渍等):例句: This special cleaning liquid should get that spot of oil out.这种特殊的清洗液应该可以洗掉那块油渍 4 (使)下车:例句: If you haven't paid for your ride, out you get!
如果没有买票,就请下车吧! 5. (从隐藏处、贮存处等)取出,拿出:例句: I'll get some clean sheets out for you.
我为你拿一些干净床单出来。 6. (从图书馆)借出(书籍);(从银行)提取(钱款):例句: I shall have to go to the bank again and get some more money out.
我将不得不再回银行多提些钱。 7. (使)离开,(使)离去;(使)解脱:例句: When the fighting broke out, George thought it better to get out before it was too late, so he came back to England.
战争爆发时,乔治认为最好还是趁早离开,因此他就回到了英国。 8. (使)逃出,(使)逃脱;(使液体气体)漏出:例句: The rabbits have got out from their cages again, and are eating all the vegetables in the garden.
兔子又从笼子里逃出来了,它们正在园子里吃着所有蔬菜。 9. (秘密消息等)被泄露:例句: We must not let news about this secret invention get out.
我们决不能让这项秘密发明的消息泄露出去。 10. 听到,探听出;盘问:例句: They tried to get out her secret but she did not speak.
他们设法探听出她的秘密,但她就是不说。 11. (从某活动、做某事中)获得:例句: When you take part in any performance, you get out as much as you put in.
参加任何活动,你投入多少力量就会得到多少收获。 12. (困难地)说出;竭力说出:例句: The speaker was so nervous that he could hardly get out more than a sentence.
发言紧张几乎连一句话也说不出来。 13. 把…付印出版发行:例句: We'll have to get this pamphlet out before neWjjmkQkUxt week.
我们必须在下星期前把这本小册子发出去。 14. 准备好;做出;寄出,送出:例句: I have to go and work, I must get out my next speech.
我必须回去工作了,我一定要准备好我的下一个发言稿。 15. 计算出:例句: These days, scientists use computers to help them to get out the difficult calculation concerned with space travel.
当今科学借助计算机计算与空间飞行有关的计算难题。 16. 使值勤;使值班;使上班:例句: Sorry to get you out at this late hour,doctor,but Mother became suddenly ill in the middle of the night.
医生对不起这么晚了请你出诊母亲半夜突然发病了。 17. 使停止工作;使罢工:例句: If www.souquanme.comwe get all the workers out, we may be able to force the government to act.
come out
1. 出来;出现:例句: The stars came out as soon as it was dark.
天一黑星星就出来了。 2. 开花发芽:例句: Some flowers have begun to come out.
有些花现在已经开始开花了。 3. 出版;发表:例句: That magazine comes out every Monday.
那份杂志每星期一出版。 4. 透露,传出;公之于世;(真相)大白:例句: The tr搜趣网uth has come out at last.
真相终于大白。 5. 显出,显露,露出6. 初次进入交界;初次登台初露锋芒 7. 结果是,结局:例句: How did the movie finally come out?
这部电影最后的结局如何? 8. 考试结果…,考第…名:例句: She came out first in the examination.
这次考试她考第一名。 9. (照片)照得(好坏),洗出(清晰等):例句: Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bridegroom.
结婚照片中除了新郎以外人人照得都不错。 10. (算术题)被算出,被解出:例句:www.souquanme.com Will you help me with this sum? It won't come out.
你能帮助我算这道算术题吗?这道题算不出来。 11. 洗掉;褪色:例句: Ink stains don't usually come out.
墨水斑点一般都洗不掉。 12. 罢工:例句: The workers are coming out for more pay.
人们为了加工资正在罢工。 13. [俚语]公开同性恋爱,公开同性恋身份,公开宣称自己为同性恋者:例句: Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can't they just live their lives discreetly?
什么同性恋者要公开身份呢?为什么他们不能默默地过自己的生活呢?14. 表明态度,提出主张:例句: Did he come out for the new regulations?
