



用northwest southwest southeast northeast south north west east 各造 一个句子, 共8句
The house faces northwest.
We headed southwest.
The road runs southeast.
Her is the northeast of China.
I am lost,which direction is south?
A strange star appeared in the north.
The airport is a few miles to the west of Beijing.
The cold winds are blowing from the east.


in frowww.souquanme.comnt of 在...前面(不在物体范围内)
The park is in front of the bank.——公园在银行前面。
in the front of 在...前面(在物体范围内)
The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.——黑板在教室前面。
between...and... 在...之间
The park is between the bank and the libary. ——公园在银行和图书馆之间
behind 在...后面(不在物体范围内)
The park is behind the bank. ——公园在银行后面。
besid//www.souquanme.come /next to/close to 靠近
The park is beside /next to/close to the bank。——公园靠近银行。
The park is near the bank. ——公园在银行附近。
across from对面
The park is across from the bank. 公园在银行对面。
far from离...远
The park is far from the bank. 公园远离银行
at 在......处,一般指较小的比较具体的地点。
He isn't at school. He is at home. 他不在学校,他在家。
in 在......内部;在......里面。如:
What is in the box? 盒子里有什么?
on 在某物的上面。但两者互相接触。如:
My books are on that table. 我的书在那张桌子上。
under 在某物垂直的正下方,两者之间不接触。如:
My cat is underTbDixCPaB my chair. 我的猫在我的椅子下。
in 在..里面
The keys are in the drawer.钥匙在抽屉里。


用:【on 】【in】【under】【next to】【behind】【between】【near】【in front of】这8个方位介词造句(比如说铅笔在桌子上、椅子在桌子下面……)
1.【on】He put some books on the desk. 他把一些书放在了桌上。2.【in】My cat is sleeping in my bed.我的猫正在我的床上睡觉。3.【under】They are singing under the tree now. 他们现在正在树下唱歌。 4.【next to】There is a factory next to the park. 在公园旁边有个工厂。 5.【behind】My home is behind the school. 我家在学校后面。 6.【between】We had a football match between our classes. 我们两个班之间举行了一场足球赛。 7.【near】There is a museum near the park. 公园附近有一个博物馆。 8.【in front of 】There is a big tree in front of her. 在她的前面有一棵大树。


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