basedtodosth造句(base sth on sth组几个句子 拜托了)


basedtodosth造句(base sth on sth组几个句子 拜托了)

be to do sth造句

简单点he is to turn off the light.
虚拟语气if he were to come,i would weIWaOkJSzlcome him

用be used to do sth造句

用be used to do sth造2句话!!!
1。We are used to the noise from the traffic now.
2. I am used to getting up early.
3. I didn't think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the

decide todo sth造句

Inspire: encourage sb todo sth, especially in own example or confidence.激励特别例子作用

Keep it in m搜趣网ind that no matter what you搜趣网 decide todo ,i'll back you up.记住,无论决定什么都会支持你。

We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads.我们硬币一掷(如以此法决定某事),落下後是漫面朝上。

What do you think about the movie? De搜趣网cide on sth.你认为这部电影怎么样?

Arrange or fix(sth.;decide on(sth.安排确定或决定(某事物

It is difficult to decide between the two opinions.在这两种意见之间抉择困难的。

I've been waiting all day for them to decide!整整一天一直等候他们作出抉择!

The restaurant decide to engage a pop singer.餐馆决定雇用一名流行歌手

decide to do sth造句

If we decide to buy the cottage we'll have to do it up. 我们若决定购买这座别墅,就得重新进行装修

Take it into one's head to do sth. 突然决定做某事,心血来潮

You will jolly well have to do sth. 你非得去做某事。

What made you decide to do a portal for gamers? 是什么让你决定为玩家做这样一个门户网站呢?

It is better to do sth late than never. 迟做总比不做好。

It is important and useful for sb. To do sth. 做某事对某人重要有用。

She decide to string along with the others as she have nothing else to do. 她反正也无事可做,所以跟着大家去了。

用be used to do sth 造句

这个句型只有一个意思,就是表示被用来做某事,如the meat is used to feed the tigers.另外,有be used to doing和used to do两种结构,前者表示习惯做某事,后者表示过去经常做某事,如I'm used to walking home after school.he used to go swimming,but now he doesn't.
